4 Types of Content for Product Pages - The WordsManShipThe WordsManShip
shaleensinha@thewordsmanship.com +91-9811030948

What are the different ways in which website content writers write content for product pages?

Ecommerce is a concept that was unheard of when the internet was conceived. However, the fact that the online markets are soon expected to compete with conventional markets can be taken as a testimony to how it has grown in size and impact in the last few decades. Furthermore, with more technological improvement, it would not be surprising to find online markets overtaking conventional markets with regard to volume and value of sales.

This means that an ecommerce website has the potential to be a real gold mine for any online entrepreneur, regardless of what product he chooses to sell. However, this is only possible if the ecommerce website pays attention to search engine optimization with internet marketing articles as well as the written content on its product pages. Unfortunately, there is no consensus amongst online entrepreneurs, marketers and web site content writing experts about the best way to write content for product pages. Most written content on product pages online can be categorized into four categories. Consider the following.

  1. Concise:
    Concise type of written content means that the product page barely has anything more than a few sentences related to the product. These types of product pages would focus more on the images aspect of the product page than the written content.

    To this effect, the online entrepreneur would try to sell the product on the basis of either how good it looks or how effective it is with regard to its primary purpose. It is also possible that the entrepreneur wants to keep his product pages simple and try to attract visitors through external online marketing articles. Needless to say, this type of content would be ideal for products that are visual in nature.

  2. Descriptive:
    When the written content on a product page focuses more on describing the product than anything else, it can be dubbed as descriptive product page content. Such content would mainly focus on physical aspects of the product such as its dimensions, colors that it is available in, materials that it is made up of, accessories that it comes up with and all other physical parameters.

    This type of content tends to be drab and technical in nature which is why it is ideal for industrial products or products meant for a niche audience. For example, machinery websites would almost always have descriptive product page content as against more general product pages.

  3. Analytical:
    The analytical type of content is the second most common type of content for product pages. This type of content acts like a review of the product as well as an information source for the visitor. It would focus on the benefits of the product and would also contain some tastefully written customer reviews for the visitor.

    Furthermore, the owner of the website, if so inclined, can also choose the analytical content to be truly unbiased which would mean that the flaws of the product would also be mentioned. This is usually seen in the case of websites that focus on a particular type of product but offer all the possible options on the internet.

  4. Romantic:
    The romantic written content is the most common type of content you will find in product pages on the internet today. This content is designed to be appreciative of the product’s qualities. In different words, the romantic content is designed to make the product woo the visitor into making a purchase. As a result, the flaws of the product and, indeed, many of its dimensional details get left by the wayside.

    Such content would contain lots of adjectives and metaphors to give the visitor the feeling of the product more than anything else. For example, for a lighting fixture product page, the romantic content would focus more on its design than its technical specifications. Such type of content is ideal for products whose benefits are obvious to everyone. Romantic content would also be suitable for products that have a lot of competition in the market.

The four types content for product pages mentioned above are all useful in their own respective situations. However, one thing that would be common in them all is the SEO aspect. All four types would have to be optimized for search engines with relevant keywords and tags.
