
With loads of pleasing elements and special emphasis on authorship, Articlebase seems to offer something for everyone

Established in 2005, Articlebase presents itself as a site which aims to please. From actively offering gateways to social media to dynamically highlighting its contributors, Articlebase seems to reach out to a wide audience. The site since its inception in 2005, has expanded its lingual reach to Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, French and Hebrew readers. Why Hebrew? you may think.

This may be owing to the fact that the article syndicate is based in Israel. Towering well above most article directories, here are some of the reasons behind its quick and staggering success with SEO writing companies, and some reasons that’ll diminish your opinion about it.

Strengths of Articlebase Ideal for SEO Writing Companies

articlebaseArticlebase, apart from its various merits, perhaps benefits most from the fact that it is one of the top ten article directories in the world in terms of popularity. The traffic is decent enough to help it procure a Google page rank of 6 [Update: its now 5] and an Alexa rating of 1,699. All of this in spite of the no follow tag, which many a times can be a death knell for an article directory from the perspective of SEO writing companies.

The site in its homepage itself shows all the telltale signs of an audience oriented website; the accessible social networking links, the prominent advertising of authors and contributors, editor’s picks of top article pieces in the site. In fact, the site is molded adequately enough to emphasize the fact that articles will find greater visibility and accessibility here.

The site also allows for web analytics tools which users can avail so as to track visitor traffic and ascertain the popularity of their articles. In fact the tools are so extensive that the users can chart the number of visitors in different timelines. This will be particularly helpful for business administrators who hire content writers and SEO article writing services to keep a tab on the efficacy and output of their services.

And, not to repeat ourselves, the site offers a lot of options in the way of Authorship recognition for SEO writing companies to leverage. Since ours is a website that deals with content writing and SEO, authorship to us and our subscribers offers a lot in manner of brand and business.

Weaknesses of Articlebase

SEO writing companiesArticlebase, truly if one notices, doesn’t exactly give due consideration to its content and categories. It highlights it’s most popular articles along with its latest free articles and shines a spotlight on prominent contributors. But the site provides little in the way of advertising the top news of every section. This indiscriminate and impartial nature of pushing popular articles to the audience differs wildly from other article directories; which prominently advertise top articles from most categories.

As this feature manages to streamline audience, it may sound like a positive but the fact that contributor’s article may lose out on viewership because some other piece in a tangentially different subject overtook it in popularity sounds a little disconcerting, especially for SEO writing companies looking for quick results.

The no follow tag is another significant undoing of the site. For a website which wonderfully advocates authorship, the no follow tag stands as a bit of a loss. Brand establishment and identity just isn’t as efficient if the business is not able to acquire the needed backlinks.

Opportunities with Articlebase

The site, due to its wide access to social media, can really assist you in disseminating your articles through various channels and engaging more audience.

Since the site has at least three tabs where your articles can be advertised in, your articles are bound to get more easily noticed. This, along with the popularity of the site can jointly help in the dissemination of the content.

Threats (issues) with Articlebase

Considering the popularity of the site, as well as the remarkable number of contributors, SEO writing companies, no matter how lucrative their content (or business), shall have to deal with stiff competition to get noticed. The articles will need to be fashioned in accordance.

You can notice from the content available in the site that, the administrators truly believe in “brevity’ being the soul of wit. The content should be crisp, yet written in a manner which achieves maximum SEO.

Article writing for SEO and article submission for SEO also has clearly stated strategies behind it. A web administrator can easily access the strategies behind it. Much easier, also, is the option of availing SEO article writing services. All these would be predicated on the urgency of the goals.
