
Google is gradually becoming more ruthless in weeding out all the negative elements in the SEO industry by making its algorithms more content based. However, while this is of great help to the end user and each and every professional article writing service, it has also made the whole process of SEO more intensive. Take for example the aspect of keyword selection. One of the biggest problems that we have noted with our clients is with their selection of keywords.

The choice of keywords is one of the most crucial aspects of any SEO campaign and regardless of whether you have a high quality article writing services or the best article writing service, if your keyword selection is unsatisfactory then it would not be as successful as it can be. Here is a list of all the keyword mistakes that people make.

  1. Small fish, big pond or big fish, small pond:
    Most of our clients have this philosophy of aiming for keywords that are already seeing a lot of demand from services or product providers. This translates into the small fish, big pond syndrome. It is not really a good place to be because unless you are devoting a lot of resources i.e. using the best article writing service and posting, at least, ten articles daily, the big fish will swallow the small fish i.e. you.

    If your resources are limited then you are better off aiming for keywords that do not have a lot of competition and can be optimized easily. Being the big fish in a small pond is better because you will get more conversions.

  2. Competition and its strengths:
    If there is a shark in your waters and you are a lowly individual piranha then you cannot expect to compete with it. However, if you do not analyze the shark and its strengths then you can just as easily keep going for the same target audience and failing each and every time. The idea is to know what you are up against when it comes to a single keyword.

    Once you have selected the keyword, you should check which of your competitors are using it and evaluate their capabilities and strength. You should look at their size, the kind of back links they have already created and even the high quality article writing service that they are using. For example, if you are a new company and your competitors have been in the market for some time, then you cannot realistically hope to compete with them.

  3. Dive deep for the best morsels:
    Keeping with the fish terminology, the deeper you dive the better food you will find. What this means is that your keyword selection needs to be extremely extensive and focused. The deeper you research into your keywords and the more specific you are with your selection, the better your results will be, once you get a professional article writing service to use it for you.

    A simple example of this would be the comparison between computers, personal computers and P4 personal computers. As you have already surmised, long tail is better than single word keywords because you will target better audience this way.
