
A lot of people don’t realise it, but SEO or search engine optimisation is not something that happens after the site is up and running. The content on the pages of your site can also be optimised for search engines. This gives your site a fundamental advantage which will continue to push it up even if you aren’t doing anything extra. However, this means that your web content needs to be optimised while your site is being built, not after. If you do decide to go ahead and get your site’s content optimised, here are some tips that would help you get the best result.

1)      Find a Web Content Company that delivers high quality content: If you search through web content companies online, you will find plenty of sites where you will be promised the earth and the moon and everything in between. Try and do some background checks before you take their word and hire them.

Your research could be as simple as going through their site thoroughly to see the quality of content they have put on their own site. You could go through their blogs and see how they write there. You could even contact old clients to find out what they thought about the company’s performance.

Whatever you do, don’t just pick a company because they say they are good. It might take you a little longer, but it would be worth it.

2)      Know exactly what you want from them: If you want a web content company to do the content for your website, it would be helpful to have a sitemap prepared and a basic idea of how long the text in those pages would be.

Knowing what you want is not limited to knowing the number of pages you want content for, or what the length of the content should be. You should also have a general idea of the kind of keywords you would want optimised. While the specific keywords and SEO strategy would be the web content company’s department, if you come prepared with your research, you would be less likely to get anything less than the best quality.

If you have everything planned on your end, it makes it that much easier for the web content writer to produce quality content that is appropriate for you. When you know what you want, the web content writers waste less time in trying to figure out your needs. This saves you time, and ultimately money, and you get your work done faster and better.

3)      Give your Inputs: Let’s be honest. Web content writers and companies providing web content services know their business, but they are not exactly experts in your business. Do not hesitate to give your inputs and feedback if you feel the direction they are taking is not what you want for your company or website.

Because you know more about your clients, you would know if the web content is appropriate for them or not. If you let the web content company know that, the content would be modified to your liking.

I put this as a separate point even though this is essentially an extension of the previous point because a lot of clients feel that after having given the brief, they should not interfere in the writing process. I cannot stress enough that while the web content writers know more about writing, you know more about your clients and your business. Let them know if you feel what they are providing you is not what you need.

4)      Take their Inputs: I know it sounds like a contradiction to the previous point, but it is just as important to take the inputs given to you by the web content company. While your brand image and company website is your department, Search Engine Optimisation and SEO strategies are the web content company’s forte. Be open to their suggestions and ideas. Always be open to discussions and be ready to change your mind if the argument is convincing enough.

5)      Be involved in the Process:  It is always better to check at every stage than to get the finished product and realise that it is not what you expected. Once the complete content is delivered to you, getting it done again will cost you more. This is why is makes more sense to have the web content company send you initial drafts for approval so that both of you can agree upon the direction of the content. This way the company will be able to provide you with web content that is of the quality you want while having had the benefit of your knowledge of your business.
