A complete overview of everything that article spinning is and whether it is useful
The biggest problem with online marketing and search engine optimization is that there is no set method or established protocol. This, effectively, means that every online marketer is going about internet marketing in his own way. While it is true that the world of online marketers knows that good quality content cannot be compromised on, the problem arises when someone new and uninitiated in the field stands up and asks ‘what do you mean good quality content?’ Now the smart aleck internet marketers would cockily state that ‘good content’ is anything that reads well and is not copied.
This is again a statement that is interpretive. Google does not function on interpretations. It operates on the basis of algorithms, which means it has quantified the idea of ‘good quality content’. Unfortunately, the gods of online marketing have not seen it fit to share the secret of the fire with us mortals. It is this ambiguity that makes internet marketing confounding for some people. Take for example, the simple idea of article spinning.
Defining Article Spinning
What is article spinning? This is a simple question. Article spinning is taking one article and writing in such a way that multiple other articles can be pulled out of it. Usually, a completely spun article can generate at least five other unique articles. The maximum level article spinning requires the writer to write an original article, provide two alternatives for each sentence and, once this is done, provide synonym options wherever possible in the article. Here is an example.
Original sentence: ‘This person is a buffoon who only knows how to guffaw at idiocy.’
First option: ‘As this person only knows how to snicker at buffoonery, he is an idiot.’
Second option: ‘This person is an idiot who can only laugh at stupidity.’
While the meaning drawn from the three sentences mentioned above is the same, no person in the world can say that the sentences themselves are same. Now, comes the synonym spin.
‘This [person|individual] is [a buffoon|an idiot] who only knows how to [guffaw|laugh|snicker|snigger|laugh] at [idiocy|stupidity|buffoonery].’
First option: ‘As this [person|individual] only knows how to [guffaw|laugh|snicker|snigger|laugh] at [idiocy|stupidity|buffoonery], he is [a buffoon|an idiot].’
Second option: ‘This [person|individual] is an [a buffoon|an idiot] who can only [guffaw|laugh|snicker|snigger|laugh] at [idiocy|stupidity|buffoonery].’
As any mathematician can tell you, the permutations and combinations that can be created from the above spin are many. A single sentence of an article first becomes three and then multiplies even further into…erm…I cannot even calculate how many.
Improved Results at Minimal Investment
While the safest and best article marketing technique is to just go for unique articles all the way, most entrepreneurs choose article spinning because they believe that it will benefit them in other ways. There are, indeed, many benefits of article spinning. For instance, if you do it properly, you can get at least 150% of the results you would normally get for prices that are lower. If you put up 30 articles in a month, article spinning has the ability to, at least, make that 60 in the month with the 100% gain coming virtually free of cost.
The Discouragement from Google
However, article spinning is not all hunky dory as some people would have you believe. The problem with article spinning is simply that it results in poor articles being churned out by the software being used by the online marketer. In the above example, the phrase ‘the person’ is used in all three sentence options. If this was just changed to ‘a person’, the problem becomes evident. With synonym spin, the result would come out to ‘a individual’ or ‘an person’. This is grammatically wrong but since the software is doing the spinning, it cannot be checked.
Furthermore, does not promote the idea of same content being circulated around everywhere. It’s like there are a thousand templates which are being rewritten a million times. This is, as obvious, not good for the end user who wants to learn new things or have fun with new ideas. Hence, article spinning comes with its inherent risks for the online marketer.
Benefits of Article Spinning Can Still Be Reaped
The final question then is whether article spinning really is useful to an online business owner. The answer is not as simple as the question. It is possible for you to use article spinning but only if you are extremely careful while writing the seed article. The best writing services for article spinning make sure that when they write the seed article, they look at the connections between different options and alternatives. These types of article marketing services see article spinning as creating a web of words where every option should conform to every option coming before and after it. In simple words, it is possible for you find article marketing services on the internet that will ensure that context and grammar does not clash when they spin articles for you.